Production Companies return to London

While Feature and TV Drama productions are beginning to get back into gear, London’s commercials producers are out filming on […]

Posted on 15th September 2020 by FilmFixer

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The Big Marshal Mixer

FilmFixer proudly sponsors the locations professionals of the future!

Last Thursday evening we went along to the Big Marshal Mixer, hosted by the creative industries union BECTU. The event […]

Posted on 6th March 2020 by FilmFixer

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A Netflix series toddling its way across London…

Babies will look at the science of our development as humans and the magic of childhood. The series is made […]

Posted on 21st February 2020 by FilmFixer

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London Borough of Culture 2023

Croydon has been named the London Borough of Culture for 2023 We are very proud to provide the film service […]

Posted on 12th February 2020 by FilmFixer

Read more – changing location search, beyond words

Artificial intelligence meets image recognition software in this brand new location search engine from FilmFixer and IDS Image Data Systems. […]

Posted on 28th January 2020 by FilmFixer

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Black Mirror: Bandersnatch filmed in Croydon, Southwark and Islington

Bandersnatch, the latest interactive Dystopian Black Mirror experience, was broadcast on Netflix on December 28. FilmFixer manages the film office […]

Posted on 25th January 2019 by FilmFixer

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Swimming With Men – The Full Monty in Speedos – filmed in London

It’s dubbed The Full Monty in Speedos and its London shoot took place in parts of Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark and […]

Posted on 27th May 2018 by filmfixerlise

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From scenes in Ghana to life onboard the Royal Yacht, The Crown series 2 filmed in London and Suffolk

Lavish Netflix drama The Crown returns today, picking up where it left off in the first series. Ten episodes trace […]

Posted on 8th December 2017 by filmfixerlise

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The Footsoldier rises again – in Redbridge and Croydon this time

The critics rarely have a good thing to say about low-budget British gangster films, and Rise of the Footsoldier 3: […]

Posted on 3rd November 2017 by filmfixerlise

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